manage people

美 [ˈmænɪdʒ ˈpiːpl]英 [ˈmænɪdʒ ˈpiːpl]
  • 管理众人
manage peoplemanage people
  1. It is a big fault to think that you can learn how to manage people in business school .


  2. I manage people – I am a manager .


  3. You probably manage people at your own company today .


  4. He has no idea how to manage people .


  5. Compensation is the essence of management is to manage people and motivation .


  6. I 'd like to ask you some questions about how you manage people .


  7. One of the problems with bosses is that they don 't know how to manage people .


  8. He hasn 't the faintest idea how to manage people .


  9. One of the problems with " bosses " is that they don 't know how to manage people .


  10. As with every senior role , an ability to manage people and a sense of humour are critical .


  11. But he stresses that being reserved has its compensations , particularly in his ability to manage people .


  12. Many people only manage people they feel smarter than and they have power over , such as subordinates in a work situation .


  13. How to manage people , with good , up a learning self-help group , was an administrator must seriously thinking of problem .


  14. The even more troubling implication of this survey is that there is little point in trying to manage people at all .


  15. WSJ : Private banks traditionally have charged fees to manage people 's portfolios , but wealthy Asians prefer to pay by the transaction .


  16. Daily reminders suggest to recipients that they 're being bossed around , and that 's not the best way to manage people , and certainly no way to treat casual contacts .


  17. I 've never seen anyone in this industry who has the business acumen combined with ability to manage people , on top of every skill necessary to succeed in the content business , says a former colleague .


  18. He had just left Anderson Consulting , so he 's been the last ten years with life learning how to work with clients and how to manage people , manage teams and do project management , all these things .


  19. Don 't Say Yes All the Time : Pick and choose what you 'll say yes to , and be sure to " manage people 's expectations " by stating your limitations about the project and what you 'll realistically be able to get done .


  20. It is as important for a monk working at a Buddhist temple as it is for a corporate executive to be able to manage people , he adds , although a monk has to do so not with the aim of making money but of serving society .


  21. not have the faintest , first , etc. idea ( informal ) used to emphasize that you do not know sth " What 's she talking about ? " " I 've no idea . " He hasn 't the faintest idea how to manage people .


  22. But interesting they remain , above all for the way they manage their people .


  23. Mrs Black likes to manage other people .


  24. So far , Mr. Webb says he has no plans to manage other people 's money . '


  25. Gore insists that if you can manage disabled people well , you will be a good manager generally .


  26. It is necessary to manage prehypertensive people , control those cardio-vascular risk factors , medicine interventions could be considered based on lifestyle improvement .


  27. This study carried out a certain degree of expansion with similar studies and provided a certain amount of learning and reference for enterprise managers to manage sale people and corporate .


  28. Indeed , great leaders are compassionate and attempt to understand the feelings of their employees , but they do not try to manage other people 's emotions and personalities .


  29. Managers are expected to manage the people below them on the corporate hierarchy , but the best managers also have ways of managing their superiors and coworkers on behalf of their team .


  30. The thesis points out it may provide the topic of manage of people oriented and the viewpoint of scientific development with support and consult to probe into the nature of manage object as man related with the times in the contemporary China .
